Writing Portfolio

This writing portfolio serves as a showcase for some of my most popular content. Feel free to browse all the articles, or filter by a topic of interest.

Work Samples

Light As I lay there rigid in the darkness wedged tightly next to my twin, I knew something

Waterman: A Story

The Pain of ChangeWe all feel it. I know, I'm one of those people who thrive on change,

Why is Change So Hard?

by Joellyn Ferguson and Paul Mendel Hugging is a Touchy Topic: Two Views on Whether Hugging Crosses the

To Hug, or Not?

A Life Transformed by Time on the Trail How do you go through a life-changing experience, and then

Beautifully Ruined

The idea of customer satisfaction surveys originated with good intent. Businesses wanted to know how their customer’s felt

Don’t Let Customer Satisfaction Surveys Tarnish Your Brand

The Number One Question for Marketers: “Who cares?” That’s not a flip answer. It’s an essential question that many

What’s the Most Important Marketing Question?

How Can I Help?

I work on a variety of content and writing projects, including:

  • Web Page Copy
  • Blog Posts
  • Email Campaigns
  • Long Form Articles
  • SEO-Optimized Copy
  • Print Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Press Releases
  • White Papers

If you need more than just freelance writing, I can help with: editing, formatting, WordPress, creating graphics, and more.

Use the form on the right to inquire about additional services.

Tell me a little about your project, and we can schedule a time to chat.

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