Life is too precious to be wasted
on an endless quest to fulfill
someone else's expectations.

We all deserve a life we love.

To understand why I do what I do, you should know a little about me.

I spent most of my life trying to make everyone happy but myself. I worked nights and weekends, sacrificed precious time with my family, and postponed personal interests, all to get ahead.

And get ahead I did. My marketing career took me around the world and earned me a corner office for a while, but the price was too high.

Worn down and worn out, I left the corporate world to start consulting. I helped growing businesses with everything from start-up strategy to naming and branding. I developed expertise in digital marketing and launched a fair trade retail business as a side hustle.

Then I went hiking...

Joellyn Ferguson - Mt. Katahdin

The Appalachian Trail transformed me, making my priorities crystal clear. It was a period of epic personal growth. I discovered I was stronger and more tenacious than I gave myself credit for.

That knowledge came just in time to see me through the unexpected loss of my long-term marriage. A nuclear bomb decimated my life, and I was reeling from the fallout.

I walked through the fire and come out even stronger on the other side.

For a year and a half I traveled the U.S. in a Promaster campervan I converted by myself (with a little help from friends). Tackling a giant project like the van build reinforced what I learned on the trail: I can do hard things.

Full-time van life was a blast, but eventually it was time to set up a new home base and downshift to being a part-time nomad. Now I live north of Denver, working remotely as a writer, content creator, and interim marketing executive.

I'm designing the life I want, the one I'm meant to have. And I feel honored when my work helps others do the same for themselves.

Van Life Sunset

Follow along on YouTube and the Joyful Rambler blog.

Facing Big Changes of Your Own?

It's my aim to inspire, encourage, and motivate personal and professional growth. I write, speak, and coach to help people like you build a life they love. 

If you're struggling to overcome unexpected life changes or simply want help navigating new adventures, I'm in your corner. Send me an email and tell me how I can help.