Polishing Your Personal Brand

polishing your personal brandTyler Griffin recently interviewed me for his  the Internet radio show, “Bunny Slippers are Evil.” We had a great chat about how to build a personal brand.

Listen now for my tips on polishing your personal brand and discover the 7 Myths of Personal Branding.

Listen to internet radio with Tyrone Griffin on Blog Talk Radio
Here’s a quick recap…

7 Myths of Personal Branding

  1. It’s all about selling yourself.
  2. It’s all about you.
  3. It’s all about your image.
  4. It’s all about self-promotion.
  5. It’s about being something you’re not.
  6. It’s about treating yourself like a product.
  7. It’s about giving people what they want.

These dangerous misconceptions will undermine your efforts to grow. Don’t end up all shimmer and no substance. Instead, build your personal brand to draws others to you.

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