Light As I lay there rigid in the darkness wedged tightly next to my twin, I knew something big was about to happen. The box that surrounded us was being tipped and turned and

This is the 3rd post in a three-part series on Resilience. If you missed the others, read part 1: Starting at Rock Bottom and part 2: Finding Courage. Cultivate Confidence Confidence is a funny

Cooking up a Great Customer Experience I just spent a few minutes of quality time with my daughter making a family favorite: sticky, gooey, marshmallow treats. No secret recipe here. Just three simple ingredients:

It’s true, and I’m here to set the record straight on customer delight. Yet another newsletter touting the benefits of customer delight landed in my inbox this morning. When I saw it, my brain

In a recent article on, Niall McCarthy shared an infographic on CEO’s top business concerns. Chart-topping issues included over-regulation, geopolitical uncertainty, and exchange rate volatility. These macro issues may be weighing on the

Whether your company is public or private, members of your board are probably eager to take a more strategic view of the business. In fact, a recent McKinsey report cited by showed that

Failure is a part of business. In spite of our best efforts to plan, manage, oversee, adjust and avoid the worst, sometimes things just don’t work out. As a leader, your response when even

Have you found that special place that I like to call your profit zone?If you have a financial background, you might assume I'm talking about the space between revenue and expense. That's not hard

When was the last time you spoke to a customer? Sounds like a silly question, but really, what’s your answer? Has it been too long? Are you one of the rare executives who does

There’s a bit of buzz in tech circles about the concept of blind hiring, which has been recently covered in the Wall Street Journal and other national media. The idea of recruiting employees without